Better Trailers & Double Wides

These pretty loose leaves might be useful in creating this project.
I am so going to try to make these cute rustic wall sconces myself and I really think I can do it for less than $36.96. I can get unfinished wooden plaques in the craft section of Dollar Tree, and also two sets of battery operated lights in their Christmas section and flowers. I plan on using empty spaghetti sauce jars. I just have to figure out how to attach them. Check back, because I'll post what I came up with here when I'm done.

Meet Bruce W. Coffman
I spent nearly a year homeless, living in a shelter and even on the streets.
During that time, I vowed that when I finally got my own place, I would do everything in my power to turn it into a beautiful, comfortable and inviting HOME.
Living on Social Security Disability has forced me to become extremely creative in finding low budget ways to accomplish that goal.
Here, I share what I learn along the way. Thanks for joining me in my journey!