By RC deWinter
the falling snow coats everything
with a slick of pristine beauty
belying the treachery of the black pavement underneath
an apt metaphor for this day
on which a traitor delivers forgiveness to other traitors as
the foolish faithful cheer in their
ignorance of history and all that happened after other people
cheered another madman
whose gospel ignited a holocaust that split the world asunder
in the madness
of an evil we thought buried forever but now resurrects
a black phoenix beak dripping
the blood of history
watering the earth with the red
promise of more of the same
to be delivered to those who resist
© 2025 RC deWinter
RC deWinter’s poetry is widely anthologized, notably in New York City Haiku (NY Times/2017),
The Connecticut Shakespeare Festival Anthology (River Bend Bookshop Press, 12/2021) New Contexts:3 Coverstory Books, April 2022) in print: 2River View, Event Magazine, Last Stanza Poetry Journal, Lothlorien Poetry Journal, the minnesota review, Plainsongs, Prairie Schooner, Southword, the ogham stone, York Literary Review among many others and appears in numerous online publications.