In my opinion, this dude's opinion is pure horse shit. His little bit about "if 'catering to bigotry' is what ultimately makes life easier for more LGBT people, then, yes, it is exactly what we should do," is the most asinine thing I've heard all day, and I've heard some shit Marge Greene ejected from its hateful mouth.
Our days of "catering to bigotry" are over. Over. We're standing up against it, calling it out and fighting it every step of the way. Our community does not need a "libertarian-conservative" telling us how we can make our lives easier. He hasn't walked a mile in these shoes. At least not in public.
Did the classic rockers of the 70s biting heads off bats onstage turn an entire generation into bat-eating Satan worshipers? I think not. Is a performance by Sam Smith and Petras symbolizing the way our community is demonized by the radical right going to do it? Fuck no.
Click to read why this douche thinks "Sam Smith: Parading Around as Satan Hurts the LGBTQ Community."