Alliance Defending Freedom is the group behind a majority of the anti-LGBTQ+ HATE laws sweeping the country. Media reports have called them "well-funded," which means KKKonservatives are pouring a butt-ton of money into them. How much of that money is being used to buy SCOTUS decisions and republican political support for these evil HATE laws?
The homepage of their fucking website is a Trump-style donation begging bunch of scare-tactic bullshit. It even says a "generous donor," i.e. some rich white dude, has pledged a half million bucks to match donations.
This is the EVIL we are up against and we must do whatever we can to stop it. I need ideas, suggestions, input. I am begging you if you read this to at least look at the site, learn more and consider commenting or getting touch with me privately if you don't feel comfortably commenting publicly. My personal email address is listed in the contact information for the Leftist Conspiracy website.
I hate feeling like I am aiding in "promoting" them in any way, but here's the link to their site...
Here are excerpts from their latest publicly available financials. They had OVER 100 million fucking dollars to use against us as of this time, which had gone up significantly from the prior year. Image what they're armed with now.