How? First, stop using that lame ass excuse that it's included in your cable package and you can't drop it. You can drop that fucking cable, can't you? Tubi, Freevee, Pluto. There are dozens and dozens of free streaming options to watch just about whatever in the fuck you want to watch without paying that monthly cable bill and making a monthly donation to Fox.
Second, stop sharing their fucking "news" articles online. They get link clicks and ad revenue share every fucking time you do it. Just fucking stop already. If anybody wants to know what Fox is saying, they're too fucking stupid to deal with. They've already seen it. You're not "calling them out." You're amplifying and funding them.
Third, if you have a news aggregator, turn Fox the fuck off. It's in your settings to choose which sources you see news from and which you block. Block the fucking shit. Again, every view gets them ad share revenue. You are funding the very Fascist GOP Propaganda Machine that you keep bitching about.
Fourth, take the damn 5 minutes to learn who Fox's top advertisers are and boycott the ever living fuck out of them. Nobody in this country gives a fuck about anything other than money these days. These advertisers start losing business and profits over their support for the fucking bullshit Fox network, they will finally get a damn clue.
Time to take some motherfucking personal responsibility and get it the fuck done, America. Long past time, actually. Get off that ass!

OMG Bruce, preach it‼️‼️