I'm just doing a quick brief on today's political news because it's just more of the same shit we already know. Hold tight, here it comes...
Steven Crowder is a woman-hating total asshole and complete moron and anyone who watches/listens to him should have their motherfucking head examined.
Donald Trump has either completely lost what little bit of mind he had or is scared shitless based on the increasingly nutty rants he's making on his "social media" nightmare and places that pretend to be news like Fox.
Every single republican politician who has appeared on TV this past week, at least, has either had a "meltdown" of some sort over some ignorance or make an utter fool of him or herself. Anyone who voted for these dumb assholes should be deeply ashamed and anyone who would even consider voting for a republican in the future just needs to fucking hang it up. You're too stupid to breathe.
Oh, and, of course, there was ANOTHER mass shooting today in which at least one child was massacred, because Muricah. Because guns. Because motherfucking republicans. Because Texas. Because AR-15s. Did I mention because guns?
That's basically what you missed by watching all the "news" I exposed myself to for no good reason today. Carry on.